A First for Stirling Speakers

a first for stirling

A first for Stirling Speakers with the arrival of a new club.  We had 21 people in attendance with a healthy balance of new guests and Toastmasters from other clubs.  Thank you very much to everyone who supported us.

Nick was Toastmaster and what a great job he did!

We had an education session from Colin about Evaluation and what he has learned from it.  It is one of the important ways we can develop our speaking skills and it is as much a learning experience for those giving the feedback as it is to those receiving it.

Avril gave a speech on what could have been quite controversial but actually turned out to be about the history of Linlithgow.

Our table topics were all about Firsts and we learned a lot about each other.  First car (still owned 20 years later!), first pet, first holiday etc.

We had some excellent feedback and evaluation which we could all learn from.  I was especially impressed with Sudha’s 3 roles and how she smoothly transitioned from one to the other.  I also liked Anne’s general evaluation – she got it just right given we were a little pushed for time (must do better!).

It was lovely to see so many new faces and I hope to see you all again.  A First for Stirling Speakers ….. Lets make it a second, soon!

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